MJ Johns



Johns, M. (2022). From Floundering to Flourishing in Large Enrollment Classes: Facilitating Semi-Automated Learning Communities and Peer-to-Peer Interactions. CG Scholar, EPSY 408 FA22. https://cgscholar.com/community/profiles/mjohns/publications/258296

Johns, M. (2022). Productive Struggle in Higher Education: With Particular Challenges for Large Enrollment Classes. CG Scholar, EPSY 408 FA22. https://cgscholar.com/community/profiles/mjohns/publications/257730

P. Navarro, M. Johns, et al., “Webz of War: A cooperative exergame driven by the heart,” 2013 IEEE International Games Innovation Conference (IGIC), Vancouver, BC, 2013, pp. 187-190, doi: 10.1109/IGIC.2013.6659125.

M. Johns, “The Transformative Power of Games,” 2020 Journal of Design and Creative Technologies Available on UT Library

M. Johns, “User Experience in the High Tech Era,” 2019 Journal of Design and Creative Technologies Journal Discontinued

M. Johns, “Student-Centered Learning: A Culmination of the 7 Affordances,” unpublished

M. Johns, "Experience Design for Virtual Reality," unpublished

Development Blog: meganlaurajohns.blogspot.com


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